i've been putting this off, but i finally had to draw a black widow. coincidentally after i was done the movie came on on cable... it wasn't that good. hope this is okay.
Gee, I drew a bug, a sow bug/pill bug/woodlouse. It looks a little flat to me and in need of some more work, but I'm too tired. I'll try to do better tomorrow (or when ever i pick up the pens again). Good night.
Yes, another bug... and one that hurts when it bites... BAD. Tomorrow we head to Seattle and turn north. After dropping off Kristine at school, we are going to do a little site seeing. If I find time to draw I'll post 'em when I get back. If not I'll resume next Thursday. Later...
i used to see these... things, in korea. in the bathroom when you turn on the lights, they would go scurrying... yuck... they were lighter in color (i used my artistic license).
Group of three were 5 minute poses, others were 20 minute poses. It was an eclectic group of people at the joint. I only broke out the pens during the last sitting.
I need a new subject. I enjoy faces... in particular women, but I feel unmotivated. Tomorrow I'll try a new subject matter, maybe even different colors...
the soulless came out last night in the park. get your children off the streets after dark. keep them at home, feed them pretty lies and all will be well.