Sunday, July 12, 2009

a bit out of practice... been a little while since i picked up a pen. i'll try to get motivated... eventually i'll try the whole drawing a day challenge (sure i will).


asfjh said...

It's nice to see you drawing again, I love the type of dark forests you draw. Sometimes it's hard getting motivated, but I find that even when I think I won't enjoy drawing, I usually do when I get started. But yeah, getting started can be hard..

joseph's art and stuff said...

thanks for the kind words and motivation. think i'll draw now!

asfjh said...

YAY! It's the way to go.. I'm knitting at the moment. I'm hoping my fingers will hurt so much from the knitting soon that I will be forced to draw. I say forced, as what else will I do? Ponder the meaning of life? I'd rather not.