this dude stood at the corner of the street and didn't cross for several light changes... guess he wasn't in a hurry. neither was i, so i made a rough sketch to work off when i got home. oh, happy halloween, you ghouls and goblins...
downtown just east of the city bus station is a hot dog vendor. i try to visit him and buy an italian sausage or a couple dollar dogs a couple times a month. he's a good guy, who always has something nice to say to everyone.
didn't add any words to this page. after working two long night shifts i'm back to day shift tomorrow... yippee! i'll be taking this downtown tomorrow, in the attempt to draw either outside or at a coffee shop. hopefully the weather won't be too bad.
took a break from how i have been drawing to go back and draw an old self-portrait style caricature. i really don't look this way, but it's how i see myself. anyhow at 3:00 in the morning it made sense to me while i was drawing...
rough day... it's peaceful now. working night shift for the next couple days then back on days, next week a messed up schedule too... i need to find some time to finish this project.
the pages are moving along at a slow pace... had hoped to get a bunch of pages done this weekend... fail. at least i'm doin' one a day. think i'll go for a walk now.
another page done... today has been beautiful outside. i dropped da bin off to play soccer with the korean boys from church, then i took a two hour walk about town. now i need to make lunch...
home alone for the weekend. today is the first day i've felt nearly 100%. would like to get a lot of drawings done this weekend... i probably won't succeed in that quest, but i will do at least one a day.
halloween must be in the air... zombies who perform surgery to extract the brain... skilled, sexy, and creepy zombies working the late shift at the ER.
the tricks some people teach their pets and even young children makes me laugh, not always a good laugh... my neck is feeling much better tonight. i'll take my pills and see how i feel in the morning.
say buddy, can ya spare some change... i came home early from work today so i could go to the hospital for severe pain in my neck and head. now i'm on pain killers and muscle relaxers. i slept most of the day, then woke up to draw this... by the way, i'm feeling no pain:)