Saturday, November 28, 2009

god of thunder...

ok, i drew his boots on some other dude. figured i'd draw him last night. didn't post it then @ 2AM i was a little dopey. this drawing isn't what i planned, but oh well. rock-n-roll all nite and party every day...

Friday, November 27, 2009

a few small changes = done

a few small changes/additions to three of the pages... now to get the christmas tree and ornaments out so our daughters can decorate... christmas is coming...

poor teddy...

walking in the woods today, i found this old, battered, soggy bear. i took a picture with my phone and sent it to my daughter. she thought it was creepy. i also saw deer, and found signs of the moose. i hope to see the moose again soon. hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

oops forgot the back cover

well, technically i didn't forget the back cover. i decided to draw one more picture of me, sort of smiling. rob carey mentioned that he remembered me as a guy who smiles. i figured i should try to draw me smiling, since that's the way i normally look. oh well, the weekend is over. it snowed this morning, i shovelled snow, made venison chili, did laundry, drew this, now time to iron clothes for the week, and do some paperwork.

new video, project complete

here it is complete and it is also in the video bar on youtube.

this is the end...

finally all the pages are drawn upon, now to go back and make a few additions. guess this thing will be in the mail prior to december, sigh...

Friday, November 20, 2009

39=1 left...

only one more page then it's done... this was drawn from an image of my wife about 15 years ago. i plan on going back through the book and adding some stuff to a few pages. i'll post those also.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

2 pages left...

eugene stood on a hilltop looking down on the city. his thoughts were on being the destroyer, somehow he knew he'd be the hit in all the clubs tonight. what the... ok, i'm a little punch drunk from small amounts of sleep. but hey, the new water heater is in place and working. here's to the weekend, hope y'all have a great one!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


the water heater is leaking, i will replace it tomorrow when home depot opens. decided to draw a little skull and some art type stuff... i'm tired and it shows...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


finally did the cover for this "project". still have four more pages to do. i really want to get started on my next moleskine.

Monday, November 16, 2009

36... 4 to go!

thought i'd add a self-portrait of the now days me... ugly, mean cuss, who isn't getting much sleep... thanks to everyone for the comments here and other places for my Mother-in-law's health. She still suffering from the radiation treatments, but is home and moving around a little. i wish she would eat more.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


my little niece was/is a bundle of energy. finally got around to drawing her. she won't sit still so the normal view is of her running away...

Saturday, November 14, 2009


a drawing of me as a little rug rat. i found some old pictures and i worked from them. now it is time to try to sleep...

Friday, November 13, 2009


oh the snow is falling on little old spokane...
mom, came home from the hospital today, she is very weak. one of us has to help her walk or pick her up to put her on the couch or bed. at least she is home now. visitors are starting to drop by, i think she enjoys that.
this drawing is of a korean hanbok. they are pretty, bright colored dresses. my wife has several and wears them rarely. usually for something real formal at the church.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


didn't need to go to the hospital. decided to knock out one more drawing. ah yeah, eight more pages and this sucker is in the mail to the arthouse co-op in atlanta.


missed a day of drawing yesterday... spent the evening at the hospital watching over mom. they are going to release her tomorrow. suk and her sister are there now, i'll probably be going there to relive them in the next hour...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


another image that is practice for another project i plan on doing. it will be another japanese album moleskine of homeless here in spokane.

Monday, November 9, 2009


long day, worked with some moody people... now i'm home, everyone is at the hospital, i'll cook dinner and read til suk comes home. tomorrow will be another long day, but it won't be bad compared to what my wife is going through.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

28 and still breezy...

my niece, jin young, bustin' a move. her mother is staying with us now, to help with taking care of mom. she's been in the hospital for over a week now, with the grace of God she will be healthy enough to come home soon, then travel to korea where she wants to be.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

one page closer

windy day, warmer but windy... i'll try to capture some folks tomorrow downtown. this book seems like it has endless pages, but the end is in sight:)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


working the night shift again tonight. decided to draw another page before i get ready to go to work...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


tough little guy... the last 16 pages in this cahier style moleskine are perforated. this one started to tear while i was working it... guess i'll have to use extreme caution. i may use some archival tape on the back side of the "dotted line" so they don't tear more while people are looking through the book at the different shows that arthouse is putting on around the country.

Monday, November 2, 2009

24 hours a day... or page #

saw this image of a little kid with a big knife... scary, when ya think about it. i remember when the girls were this small. i was paranoid they would get hurt, so i was constantly watching them. maybe i'm a little overprotective...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

twenty three...

drew two pages today. it is getting late so i'll post this now. two post in one day... i may get this book done earlier than i expected.


hope you set your clocks to the right hour, hate to get somewhere an hour early... spent most of yesterday at the hospital, my mother-in-law was admitted for the weekend, maybe longer. she is becoming thinner and thinner, if she can travel we are taking her to korea in the next week or two... on a lighter note this is a drawing of one of the lilac city roller girls. they did their last match/bout until next feb. i always have to work when they are skating. a friend and i keep trying to make it to one of their events, but so far no joy...