Monday, September 6, 2010

page 18

a long day of working in the yard, pinched one finger between two big rocks (nice blood blister), shredded another fingertip on a heavy rock (fair amount of blood). came inside and finished this (maybe). realised a little while ago that all i had to eat today was some elk jerky... time to eat.

1 comment:

Kevin Thurman said...

My name is Kevin Thurman and I came across your work on arthouse co-op. I found your style to be amazingly expressive, surreal and elegant. I have been searching through websites of artists in order to find someone like you that really grabs me. I am currently writing more than a few comic books/graphic novels/graphic fiction (take your pick of moniker) and need an artist. I have some ins in the industry, but am not against self publishing either if need be. I am currently working on the production of a documentary about Warren Ellis as well as a book of critical examinations of his work and our culture and where the two collide.

If you might be interested, let me know. I know it is hard to work for no pay/future pay, but I think we could be a great pairing.

I hope to hear back from you!