i always enjoy walking through the woods in the evening. one of my neighbors told me they were charged by a big bull moose last week. i'll keep an eye out for him on my next walk.
pick-up yer butts... i've never smoked, and i've never liked picking up other people's butts. it's amazing that so many people flick their butts out of the car window without any concern at all. thanks sally, for the idea!
Taking a break from the trash theme. Opened another sketchbook to draw other "stuff". The theme this week for IF is "idle", figured I'd draw something in my "idle" time that i like to do when i need a break... others may see wondering about the woods as an "idle" pastime, for me it is a time to reflect and enjoy the beauty around us...
don't you love it when folks chuck their healthy feed bags along the road, or better yet when they leave it scatter about the park when there is a trash can twenty feet away... guess that's why it's convenience food.
yes, more trash... there are plenty of shopping carts strewn along the river, as well as a river of trash. i may take a small break from trash and start the close-up face japanese album moleskine. tomorrow will advise me on what to draw...
i see abandoned semi-trailers here and there in fields and in the woods. one on the trail about a mile from my house has been vandalized and some kids smoke their "funny cigarettes" inside.
memories of being a kid working on a farm. the farmer had an old tractor sitting out back that didn't run. i wanted it to fix it but never did. i wonder if the old thing is still collecting rust and bird droppings...
it is amazing what one finds in the parking lots about the city. plan on taking my camera for a walk to take pictures of the stuff i may eventually draw...
when i was growing up, in pennsylvania, my father would take me hunting. i remember an old bus in the woods. it was converted into a hunting camp. this bus is not as run down as that one, but it is still creepy to come up on one left in the woods.
not doin' any faces in the new moleskine (sure i won't). thanks for the suggestion eva! thought i'd stick to stuff abandoned... i still plan on making the japanese album moleskine full of close-up faces...
started another moleskine today... so far not happy with this one, think i'll work on it some more...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
a bit out of practice... been a little while since i picked up a pen. i'll try to get motivated... eventually i'll try the whole drawing a day challenge (sure i will).